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New Antique Collection

New Antique Collection

Beautiful and Romantic 19th Century art and French Mirrors

Gallerie La Boheme

Gallerie La Boheme

A New & Exclusive Collection of Fine Art Prints in Handcrafted Frames

The Antique Collections

The Antique Collections

Beautiful Antique and Vintage Pieces for Your Home

La Boheme

The Home of Romantic Period Living

La Boheme is an independent online boutique which encapsulates the beauty and romance of authentic period living.

From our stunning antique collections to our high quality and authentic handmade art. We love beautiful authentic pieces that have provenance and a story behind them. Our range includes antique gilt mirrors, chandeliers, antique art and vintage tableware. Every item is unique, interesting and always beautiful.

About Us

La Boheme is a culmination of everything that is beautiful, romantic and historic.

We’re led by our own personal style, rather than passing trends. We take inspiration from the Golden Age of Europe.

Whether that be the gradeur & opulence of 19th century European palaces to the down and out artists on the streets of Bohemian Paris in the Belle Epoque.

From sunny Provencal brocantes to English country house splendour.

Every item is a love story to the history and romance of period grandeur. Unique, interesting and always beautiful.


Our Antique Collections

Our collections are a labour of love and are created from a passion to collect and curate the most beautiful and authentic pieces for your home. Behind each piece is a love story. One of beauty, history and romance.

Our antique collections launch at least once a month.

Our collections sell out quickly with our most popular pieces selling within minutes.

We invite you to join The List to receive your personal invitation to preview and shop the collections first.


Ideas and inspiration from the blog


Chiner, vb.

The French verb that means to wander the brocantes in search of something

Coming Soon

New Antique Collection

The Journal

Behind the Scenes of The Shoot

Behind the Scenes of The Shoot

Shooting the products for the website was probably the thing I enjoyed most about launching the website. It really felt like vision coming to life. I was so lucky to...

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